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C921: Course assessment Sample

Instructions: The paper I need to be written comes from the graduate nurse educator course C921 titled “Assessment and Evaluation Strategies for Measuring Student Learning.” It consists of two separate tasks. I have attached the Rubric also. The first task (Blank Template C921) includes a Formal Assessment, Summative Performance Assessment,…
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HEENT SOAP note Sample

Focused SOAP Note   Student Name and clinical course: ______________________ ID:   Client’s Initials*:__J.P_Age___10__ Race: Latino__Gender: M Date of Birth_2-9-2012 Insurance ______None_________   Marital Status___Single_____   Subjective:   CC:  I have an Ear Ache for the past 2 days   HPI: JP is an eight year old Latino male who…
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Doctrine of Indemnification sample

Instructions:  How does the doctrine of indemnification further the concept that individuals are ultimately responsible for their own actions? Needs to be 250 words.  Doctrine of Indemnification Name Affiliation Supervisors Subject Date How does the doctrine of indemnification further the concept that individuals are ultimately responsible for their own actions?…
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Informed consent case study sample

Healthcare Student’s Name Module Module Code Informed consent case study Informed consent occurs when a healthcare provider explains the medical procedure or treatment plan to be followed, including the risks, benefits and alternatives. According to Lipshie-Williams (2017), this process enables a patient to inquire about specific treatment plan and decide…
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Liability Issues In Nursing

  Liability Issues In Nursing October 26, 2020 As professionals, it is important and not an option that when providing care to any one person or persons that we take time to document and record to the best of our ability and above all what is mandated, of the care…
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Overcoming Concept Analysis

  Instructions:Complete a concept analysis on one of the following topics. Utilize the Overcoming concept analysis as an example. This part of the assignment should be at least 1000 words and contain the following parts: Introduction, Definition and Uses of the Concept, Defining Attributes, Antecedents, Consequences, Model Case, Borderline Case,…
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