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Task 1 C228

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College of Health Professions, Western Governors University

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Sentinel City Action Report

See Attached Photo Journal 

  1. Needs Assessment


There are four inner-district communities in Sentinel City, a virtually simulated computer municipality: Industrial Heights, Nightingale Square, the Casper Park District, and the Acer Tech Center. It is clear from the demographics assessment included in this course’s task list that Sentinel City is a rapidly expanding urban community. Sentinel City’s population has increased by 9.6% in the past two years, reaching 663,862 from 600,024 people (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). Sentinel City’s largest estimated population comprises people between 18 and 64, representing 67.8 percent of the city’s age demographic. After subtracting 10.5% of the population over 65 and 21.7% of people under 18 from the city’s demographics pdf, this population percentage was calculated.

Sentinel City is home to a wide range of racial and ethnic groups; however, the balance of the scales is off. The Sentinel City demographics pdf list states: 52.7 percent of the city’s population is white and not of Hispanic or Latino descent. Hispanic/Latino ethnic groups account for 31.5 percent, African Americans for 10.4 percent, Asians for 3.7 percent, people of two or more races (multiracial) for 3.1%, American Indians for 2%, and Pacific Islanders for 0.2 percent (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). Males outnumber females in Sentinel City demographic reports almost evenly. The city’s annual median household income is $49,091, and the average homeownership rate is 50.4%. According to American Sentinel City, 2020, the city has a high school graduation rate of 85.1%, with 18.9% of the population living below the poverty line.

Casper Park District, with a population of $352,643, is the largest of the city’s inner districts. This district has the second-lowest median income in Sentinel City, at $80,134. White people comprise 63% of the population, while Hispanic/Latino people comprise 24%. With a rate of 22.7%, the uninsured healthcare rate for people under 65 ranks second in the district (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). Additionally, 2,016 veterans reside in the Casper Park district.

Acer Tech Center is the district with second place in population, with 168,390 people living there. This district has the second-highest median income in Sentinel City, totaling $166,300. This district’s primary ethnicity is White, accounting for 70.2% of the population. Like Casper Park, Hispanic/Latino people account for 13.7% of the district’s population. With a rate of 1.5%, the uninsured healthcare rate for people under 65 ranks second in the district. According to American Sentinel City (2020), 6,208 veterans reside at Acer Tech Center.

With 103,974 people, the Nightingale Square neighborhood has the third highest population. With a median income of $269,550, this district is Sentinel City’s highest-earning district. This district’s primary ethnicity is White, with a total of 81.3%, as in the previous two districts. Hispanic/Latino people comprise 3.7% of the district’s second-largest ethnic group. Sentinel City’s lowest rating district has a rate of 0.7% for people under 65 who do not have health insurance (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). Five thousand three hundred twenty-six veterans call Nightingale Square home.

With a population of 38,855, Industrial Heights, the fourth and final district, has the lowest population of any of the districts. This district has a $24,672 median income, and unlike the other districts, 46.8% of the population is Hispanic or Latino. With 13.1% of the population, African Americans comprise the district’s second-largest ethnic group (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). Sentinel City’s lowest uninsured district has an uninsured healthcare rate of 37.5% for people under 65. Six hundred-seven veterans reside in Industrial Heights.

Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory 

Taking a computerized bus through Sentinel City, it becomes immediately apparent that the four districts differ significantly. Nightingale Square has clean streets, well-kept buildings, and well-maintained properties. The buildings at Acer Tech are still relatively sound and well-maintained when you arrive. This city area contains several essential landmarks, such as the community hospital and the city hall. Acer Tech is the most diverse and easily fits the description of “downtown.” with wealth shown in some of the city’s most prominent buildings to issues like trash piles and waste disposal and control (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). A more significant police presence can be observed in the Industrial Heights and Casper Park districts. The condition of the buildings could be better. As city demographics indicate that crime is decreasing in these districts, some buildings appear abandoned, and others are undergoing reconstruction.

The Sentinel City Healthcare Pharmacy publishes drug use data for Sentinel City. The use of alcohol is listed as the most common substance abused in the city. Marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, and prescription smoking came close behind. Observations of people abusing drugs in the community’s parks and recreation areas were a significant source of complaints about drug use (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). However, drug use in parks has decreased over the past year, according to the Park and Recreation Department.

According to Sentinel City Hall, EMS response times are compared to those of communities nearby. Timing statistics indicate that Sentinel City’s response times are quicker than those of comparison cities one and two but slower than those of comparison city three, earning the city moderately good marks. However, due to the high rate of spontaneous cardiac arrest, the city could benefit from enhanced civilian response training and community health education.

Statistics on the city’s crime rates are available from Sentinel City Hall and The City’s Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks and Recreation Department reports violent crimes as the second most common type, just behind trespassing. However, according to City Hall (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020), aggravated assault is the most frequently reported violent crime, and the arrest is based on existing warrants.

Gang violence is a problem that is frequently reported, according to the Parks and Recreation Department. Aggravated assault is the most common crime associated with gang violence, according to records maintained by Sentinel City Hall. Then came gang robbery, which increased from 20 incidents in year three to 40 in the previous year. The city’s reported statistics on gang violence conclude with simple assault and homicide, respectively.

Scavenger Hunt 

Parks and Recreation

Nightingale Square is the location of the Department of Parks and Recreation. The Department of Parks and Recreation provides the following kinds of services: Adult fitness classes, swimming lessons, nutrition classes, gardening classes, summer camps for kids, city sports leagues, and after-school programs are all options. The most common complaints about parks are: Park locations, homelessness, park cleanliness, drugs, stray animals, and crime are followed by park locations. Typical park citations include: There are 31% of trespassing after hours, 24% of violent crimes, 16% of public intoxication and public drug use, 11% of littering, 9% of prostitution, and 6% of selling without a permit (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). Last year, the Department of Parks and Recreation’s budget was broken down as follows, from most expensive to least expensive: Improvements to the park, staff and administration, programs, and maintenance.

Healthcare System- Elderly Services

Sentinel Healthcare System, the city’s hospital, is part of Acer Tech. From the city center, this structure is slightly off-center. Medicare covers more than 30% of all outpatient and inpatient care. The following is a breakdown of the percentage of seniors who used Sentinel City Healthcare System’s elderly services in the previous year: Advocates for medical care made up 8.3%, senior transportation made up 6.8%, government entitlement assistance made up 7.6%, community centers made up 2.9%, service animals made up 2.5%, Meals on Wheels made up 1.3 percent, and advocates for preventing elder abuse made up 0.9 percent. The following senior living options are available in Sentinel City: 3,472 senior living facilities, 2,874 nursing homes, 1,048 independent senior apartments, 64 skilled nursing care beds, 36 long-term care beds, and 24 swing beds (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020).

City Hall-Social Services

According to the City Hall Social Services Department, head start and early head start programs, youth independent living services, stay-at-home services, and childcare providers accepting subsidy benefits are Sentinel City’s top-performing programs. According to City Hall, the top two utilized health care assistant programs are Medicare at just over 100,000 and Medicaid at 200,000. Additionally, City Hall reports an active WIC program with the most benefits for children and infants. The City Hall Social Services Department of Sentinel City also provides the following breakdowns of SNAP beneficiaries: 36% are low-income, 26% are disabled, 23% are in a training program, and 15% are over 60 years old (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020).

Clinic for Better Health

The industrial Heights neighborhood of Sentinel City is where you’ll find the better health clinic. The improved health clinic offers the following services: Pregnancy counseling and testing, achieving pregnancy, essential infertility treatment, preconception health, sexually transmitted disease treatment, breast and cervical cancer screening, and other preventative health services.

Soup Kitchen

The Interfaith Church of Sentinel City is based in the Industrial Heights neighborhood. A soup kitchen is a part of the interfaith church. The summer months of July and August are when the Interfaith Church Soup Kitchen serves most of its meals. According to American Sentinel City (2020), the demographics of the people served by the soup kitchen include 64% homeless adults, 12% veterans, 7% disabled adults, 6% elderly, 6% healthy adults, 3% homeless children, and 2% healthy children.

Project for Affordable Housing

The Casper neighborhood of Sentinel City is situated in the affordable housing project. According to the affordable housing project, on-site crime decreased by more than 50% in the most recent year. The most frequent grievances are: 21% of complaints are about factory smoke, 18% are about mold and pests, 17% are about noise, 13% are about loitering, 10% are about high rent costs, and 6% are about police activity. The affordability housing project’s statics also shows that apartments with more bedrooms have more vacancies (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020).

Windshield Survey 

Housing and Commercial Buildings

There is a noticeable difference in the appearance and condition of the structural buildings in the various city districts when commuting through Sentinel City. Nightingale Square and Acer Tech are mostly brick and stone buildings with more intricate architecture. Additionally, these two districts have cleaner streets and fewer police officers; however, more open space or vegetation must be needed. Apartments outnumber single-family detached homes in the city’s four districts. Additionally, the buildings are typically very close to one another and connected, with little to no individual yards for enjoyment. Graffiti is more prevalent in Industrial Heights and Casper Park neighborhoods. Stone appears cracked, and foundations exhibit structural problems, indicating a decline in building structure quality and care: Broken windows and entryways, missing locks, and spilling lines and rooftops.

Additionally, numerous abandoned buildings and ongoing redevelopment projects exist in these districts. The filthy appearance of the streets in these two districts, with trash cans and piles of trash lining the corners and alleyways, is a sign of poverty. Low-rider cars speed by, stray dogs wander the streets, and the presence of the police grows more prominent. Visitors will notice that these two districts lack a strong sense of city pride, despite numerous notable community centers, like soup kitchens and churches, which seem to be run by religious volunteers. In contrast to Nightingale Square and the Acer Tech districts, Casper Park and Industrial Heights lack external window-mounted air conditioning units, which can be seen in the two higher-earning financial districts (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). They claim that Industrial Heights and Casper Park buildings do not have central air conditioning or heating, just like many of the more up-to-date accommodations in the Nightingale Square and Acer Tech districts.

Open Space

Sentinel City presents as a thick Metropolitan living setting. Community parks are few, and the streets need more vegetation, with few trees visible as one moves through the city. Most homes do not have a front or back yard; even on the school grounds, the only notable green space is small but well-kept. Children can be seen playing in the parks, which appear to be open to the public; however, it should be mentioned that gang violence is a problem reported in the Park and Recreation Department and City Hall records.


One district would blend into the other as they continued to tour Sentinel City, with little evidence that the districts had changed until the neighborhood’s upkeep or lack of upkeep became common. The presence of community transportation, particularly the railroad, was one significant geographic shift. Neighborhood upkeep was lower in the cities with more public transportation. Several signs and store names in Nightingale Square include the word “downtown,” which suggests that the city may consider this area to be its downtown. However, Acer Tech is the location of most major city landmarks, including the hospital and city hall (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). A significant amount of billboard advertising is centered on expanding the community and going “green.” While Industrial Heights is vastly different, the Casper Park district contains many street advertising for health prevention, religious community service programs for unexpected pregnancies, spiritual support, and billboards promoting electronic cigarettes.


When looking at the schoolchildren in the city, similarities between the districts are evident. All of the children are playing together and wearing uniforms. Diverse ethnic groups unite to support a single cause at a protest on the steps of city hall. Residents can be seen riding bikes and walking their dogs all over the city. There needs to be more greenery throughout the entire city. Most housing in the city appears to be in apartments rather than single-family homes. According to American Sentinel City (2020), every neighborhood has a corner store or liquor store and at least one major community resource center for assistance open to all city residents.


Residents of Sentinel City can be seen walking, biking, taking the bus, and traveling by car, bus, or motorcycle throughout the city. According to the Sentinel City Department of Transportation, White people make up the least number of bus riders, while African Americans take the bus the most. Within the city, there is a noted active railroad. In all districts, the streets are not as clean or safe for bikers, and there are no visible bike lanes when driving through the city (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). While touring the city, one gas station in Nightingale Square was noticed. Those who commute by bus report the most extended commute times, with an average commute time of 24 minutes; however, residents claim that taking the bus is the most cost-effective mode of transportation.

Centers of Service

There are many buildings for social services, few places to relax, and a lot of activity at the city schools. Among the services offered throughout the city were: assistance with substance abuse, food supplements, subsidized childcare, and routine vaccinations are all available. The city has parks, playgrounds, and a community tennis court as recreation centers. The school was complete, and students wearing uniforms crossed the street to get home buses—a few primary care physicians and specialists (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). In the city, orthodontics and dental care appeared easily accessible. While touring the city, residents actively participated in sportsmanship games, using the city parks and tennis.


We saw a few shopping malls and outdoor markets during the city tour. Nevertheless, quite a few local corner liquor stores were observed. The Bodega is currently the only building that can be entered in Sentinel City. The walls are gray ashy and lined with posters, and the floors are stained and dirty. (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020) Not very appealing to visitors and suggests not a place to be hanging out in the dark.

People traveling

It is possible to observe a diverse ethnic population when walking the streets of Sentinel City—Everyone, from children to adults. People ride bikes, walk their dogs, and even protest. Traditional headgear and clothing can be seen on people. Workers for hire should be visible, talking about the rebuilding structures, and police should be visible, watching in their vehicles and remaining on walkways (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). While traveling through the town, stray dogs can be observed, with the frequency of spotting stray dogs increasing as the bus enters the Casper Park and Industrial Heights neighborhood. The amount of trash and debris built up on the streets and in the alleyways of Casper Park and Industrial Heights raises the possibility of a rodent infestation (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). Julia Benjamin, a resident of Sentinel City, provided additional insight into the city’s nightlife by stating that there is concern about “Increasing homeless and teenagers hanging out after dark” downstream from the town’s river.

Signs of Community Vibrancy

Sentinel City’s residents are busy. There are many people on the streets, kids are playing in the parks, tennis courts are used a lot, construction is going on, motorcycle riders are out riding, and the soup kitchen is talking to people in the community. Throughout the city, some signs and billboards talk about religious orientation, spiritual support, health prevention, and goals for becoming “green.” Trash is everywhere, especially in Casper Park and Industrial Heights (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). There are a few abandoned, blocked-off, and in desperate need of repair properties in the city, despite advertisements for new property developments. In terms of historical landmarks, Acer Tech is worth a visit. The city’s museum is in Acer Tech, including city hall.

Race and Ethnicity

As previously stated, visitors to Sentinel City experience cultural diversity. The town is filled with people of all colors, wearing traditional clothing and coming from different ethnic backgrounds. In terms of statistics, the town is overwhelmingly White, and ethnic minorities make up 52.7 percent of the city’s population. The Hispanic/Latino ethnic group comes in second with a percentage of 31.5%. African Americans make up 10.4%, Asians make up 3.7%, people of two or more races make up 3.1%, American Indians make up 2%, and Pacific Islanders make up 0.2% (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). Industrial Heights is the only district in Sentinel City with predominantly Hispanic or Latino residents. It is also the lowest-earning of the four districts that make up the district.


The number of religious symbols in the city was most significant in Industrial Heights. There is something for everyone, from a stunning church to cross-adorned billboards offering support to expecting mothers and a soup kitchen decorated with religious symbols of the holy cross. While other religious affiliations were difficult to spot, denominations of the Christian and Catholic faith were easily discernible. According to American Sentinel City (2020), a resident of Sentinel City named Julia Benjamin mentions being a member of a women’s group at the neighborhood synagogue and identifying as a conservative Judaist.


Sentinel City has a high frequency of heart failure rates, demonstrating high paces of poor cardiovascular well-being for the city. Within the city, a healthcare system includes a local hospital a little bit away from the city center. Primary health prevention strategies and flu vaccinations are discussed on billboards. Because 25-year-olds are more likely than others to contract treatable sexually transmitted infections, these infectious diseases could benefit from increased education on prevention. On the other hand, people over 25 are more likely to contract diseases that are not curable through sexual transmission. Additionally, Sentinel City demonstrates the need for enhanced community follow-up for crime victims and mental health resources. According to American Sentinel City (2020), alcohol is the most commonly used drug in the city, followed by tobacco and prescription drugs.


Protesters display political opposition signs and chants outside Sentinel City Hall. Although cultural diversity for a common cause was noted, a political party pull was noted. According to the records of BUZZ radio station, their most popular listeners are individuals over the age of 65, and the majority of their on-air advertisements feature political commentary.


Magazines such as Girl Magazine, InTouch, and PEOPLE are on display inside the Bodega store in Industrial Heights; the store typically caters to a younger demographic, as these title covers suggest. A few newspapers are also on display, but they look old and worn like they’ve been there for a long time. On the other hand, according to BUZZ radio, its most popular listener is someone over the age of 65, and the majority of its ad time is devoted to politics. According to American Sentinel City (2020), billboards all over the city promote everything from religion to social services to e-cigarettes and, in stark contrast, assistance with addiction and substance abuse.

Physical Environment

In general, Sentinel City looks like any other urban setting. In general, there is less vegetation than is ideal. Typically, the streets are bustling and active. There is a variety of ethnic cultures. There is also diversity in religion. The neighborhood comprises people with high, moderate, and low incomes, and it reflects these earnings margins. Magazine, restaurant signs, and radio advertising have a lot of advertising (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). As the bus drove by residents on the streets, there was no discernible population using mobile or electronic devices.

B1: Data Analysis

When first entering Sentinel City, the community’s neat appearance, well-maintained sidewalks, and well-designed and tailored buildings in the Nightingale Square and Acer Tech neighborhood districts are easy to notice. However, when the tour enters Casper Park and the Industrial Heights neighborhoods, the scenery dramatically changes with: building structural problems, trash in the streets, stray animals, and condemned or abandoned buildings. Nightingale Square is the district with the highest reported income, followed by Acer Tech, Casper Park, and Industrial Heights. This significant shift in appearances is very illustrative of the reported income levels of these neighborhoods. It’s also important to mention the community’s ethnic diversity; overall, White people make up the majority of the city, and the neighborhood’s reported income is lower the fewer White people there are. There are several opportunities for community improvement, such as Access to mental health care for the community, as well as more robust platforms for addressing the city’s rising homeless population, Nighttime Park and recreation patrols, nighttime river patrols, and the city’s high cardiac arrest and substance abuse rates. The city could use more green space and open space, and the lower-income neighborhoods of Casper Park and Industrial Heights would benefit from continued community support for building and street redevelopment.

C1: Top Three Problems of Sentinel City

Although, like any city, numerous problems could be fixed; However, when learning about the city, the following issues stand out: By the Healthy People 2020 objectives, improve Access to high-quality mental health services, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS), and drug and substance abuse prevention. Improvements in Sentinel City’s Access to mental health services are the first identified issue. To improve Access to high-quality mental health care, the Healthy People 2020 goal is: Improving family functioning and positive parenting can have positive outcomes on mental health and can reduce poverty-related risk, recognizing that “the greatest opportunity for prevention is among young people” and addressing mental health issues during this sensitive time (‘The Healthy People,’ 2020). Sentinel City’s prevention of sexually transmitted infections is the next identified issue. “Promoting healthy sexual behaviors, strengthening community capacity, and increasing access to quality services to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their complications” is the goal for sexually transmitted infection prevention in Healthy People 2020 (‘The Healthy People,’ 2020).

Last but not least, the issue of preventing drug and substance abuse in Sentinel City is on the list. This problem is in line with the Healthy People 2020 objective of “Reducing] substance abuse to protect the health, safety, and quality of life for all, especially children” (‘The Healthy People,’ 2020). Among the plans to meet this need are: acquiring “a deeper understanding of substance abuse as a disorder that develops in adolescence and, for some individuals, will develop into a chronic illness that will require lifelong monitoring and care” and “Improving] evaluation of community-level prevention has enhanced researchers’ understanding of environmental and social factors that contribute to the initiation and abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs” (‘The Healthy People,’ 2020). Both of these goals have been accomplished.

C2: Discussion of Community Resources

Substance abuse is one of the top problems listed in section C1 of this paper, with alcohol abuse being the most common type. The substances that are abused the most, according to Sentinel City pharmacy, are: Alcohol is consumed by 30% of people, followed by tobacco use by 24%, prescription drug abuse by 18%, and marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, and heroin by a smaller percentage (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). According to the Sentinel City Parks and Recreation Department, public intoxication and drug use are the third most frequently reported problem in the parks, accounting for 16% of all citations (‘American Sentinel City,’ 2020). The Sentinel City Community Center offers a local Alcoholics Anonymous program to those struggling with alcoholism and substance abuse (American Sentinel City, 2020). According to Health People 2020, “Attaining high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death (‘Healthy People/CDC,’ 2020)” would undoubtedly be helped by reducing substance abuse. Offering concurrent mental health support to recovering substance abusers is one idea the community could implement to improve substance abuse statistics. Recovery rates may rise if one-on-one assistance is provided to determine the underlying causes of substance abuse or devise strategies to discourage inappropriate drug use. As previously stated, the homeless population in Sentinel City is growing, and many of them also abuse drugs. Efforts to increase abstinence from substance abuse may also positively impact the declining number of homeless people. Not to mention that, in general, people perform better in their careers, home lives, education, and productivity when they control issues like substance abuse, which directly contributes to the overall positive tone of the city.

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C3: Primary Prevention Topic

Responsible alcohol consumption is the primary prevention topic that I have selected. Drinking too much alcohol can cause Dehydration, adverse cardiovascular effects, a wide variety of other organ failure diseases, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, acute kidney injury, and chronic kidney disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that excessive alcohol consumption has immediate health effects like Negative outcomes, such as fetal alcohol syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, poisonings, unintended pregnancies, and injuries (‘CDC’ 2020). Dr. Richard Piper, CEO of Alcohol Change UK, conducted three surveys in 2018 of groups of people who had stopped drinking heavily for 30 days. Maria Cohut, Ph.D., published an article in 2019 that listed the benefits of quitting drinking alcohol. Among the advantages, Dr. Piper discovered were: 71% of participants reported learning that they did not need alcohol to have fun; 71% of participants also reported having a better quality of sleep; 67% reported higher energy levels; 58% of participants reported weight loss; 57% reported improved concentration; and 54% reported that their skin looked better (Cohut, 2019). An increased sense of personal achievement; reports of money saved; 71% of participants also reported better sleep quality. Sentinel City may see a decrease in cardiac arrests, parks and recreation department citations for public intoxication, violent crime complaints and victims, and emergency room injury rates if alcohol is consumed responsibly.

D: Reflection

During my visit to Sentinel City, I quickly observed similarities between my real-world city and this virtual one. Even though I live in a posh, well-kept neighborhood with excellent schools and constant new construction, one would see a very different environment if one moved just a little further north, south, east, or west. , The same as the distinctions between the Songbird Square and Acer Tech areas versus the Casper Park and Modern Levels areas. Sentinel City, like the city where I live, shows very well how the income of its residents can directly influence a neighborhood’s appearance. From the resources available to the community to the ways religion can affect the lives of the community. With the number and condition of parks and open spaces, I can apply what I’ve learned from Sentinel City to my neighborhood in the following ways: volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen in my city, donating food to a church, performing and organizing community service projects like planting trees or starting a community garden, and so on.


American Sentinel City University – Demographics pdf 2020. Sentinel City 2.3 [Computer software]. Retrieved from: https://wgu.ucertify.com/?func=ebook&chapter_no=7#03tlb 

Healthy People 2020 – Mental Health and Mental Disorders. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/mental-health-and-mentaldisorders 

Healthy People 2020 – Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/sexually-transmitteddiseases 

Healthy People 2020 – Substance Abuse. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/substance-abuse

Cohut, M. (2019, January 03). Giving up alcohol for just one month has lasting benefits. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324079 

Healthy People – Healthy People 2020. (2019, April 01). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/healthy_people/hp2020.htm 

CDC – Excessive Alcohol Use. (2020, September 21). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/factsheets/alcohol.htm 

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