Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues
School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Capella University
NURS-FPX4050 Coordinating Patient-Centered Care
April 21, 2022
Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues
Care coordination in healthcare settings has received much attention in recent years. In order to provide their patients with high-quality care, nurses must coordinate the efforts of both themselves and their patients. Additionally, the patient receives services of high quality. Patients without care coordination are more likely to have a serious illness and other negative outcomes, such as the long progression of a disease. Consequently, nurses in healthcare environments need to practice good care coordination.
Evidence-Based Strategies for Nurses to Collaborate with Patients and Their Families
Nurses are essential in health care settings, serving as the backbone of effective care coordination. By establishing rapport with patients and their loved ones, they play an essential role in hospital care coordination. In addition, nurses’ mindsets and actions play a significant role in ensuring that patients get optimal care coordination. It has been shown that having patients and their loved ones present during medical care not only aids in recovery but also creates a more relaxed atmosphere for both the patients and the nurses. Franck & O’Brien (2019) state some guidelines for delivering high-quality treatment considering each individual’s unique psychological and social requirements. As a result, doctors and nurses should consult with patients’ loved ones before, during, and aftercare. The patients had all been diagnosed with cancer. Evidence-based solutions for optimal care coordination should be used in nurse care settings.
First, use procedures that care most about the patient’s loved ones. Medical professionals, particularly nurses, should treat patients’ loved ones with dignity and respect upon admission to the hospital. Patients and other healthcare providers will benefit from nurses who treat them with dignity and respect. Sometimes, family and friends are denied access to hospitalized loved ones. However, nurses are responsible for ensuring that patients’ loved ones have access to them at all times. According to a recent study, hospital care coordination would benefit greatly from nurses and family members having regular two-way conversations (Mirlashari et al., 2020).
The second strategy is for nurses to promote and enable family visits and involvement in patient care. There is some evidence that nurses discourage participation from loved ones at different stages of recovery. Sometimes nurses are so busy that they prevent family members from being involved in important choices about care. Care coordination relies on nurses having a constructive and collaborative mindset (Zaimi et al., 2023).
Aspects of Change Management Affecting Patient’s Experience Essential for the Provision of High-Quality Care
An integral aspect of every health organization is care coordination. Therefore, projects have been launched worldwide to offer care coordination. Nurses have been a primary focus of efforts to improve care coordination systems. Extra care and accompanying therapies are provided by nurses for patients with difficult situations, such as those with behavioural disorders or chronic illnesses, fulfilling the care and coordination needs of the patient. In addition, nurses aid patients in transitioning from home to medical units by administering necessary medical treatments. Care coordination is a topic that has gained specialized training among nurses all around the globe. Care coordinators frequently check in with individuals to see whether further care is required. Multiple organizations are currently implementing coordinated care in the nursing sector. Care coordination programs have been launched by equipping nurses with detailed manuals and structural blueprints. In these programs, nurses do more than work alongside doctors to treat patients; they take an active role in the care they deliver. In order to make the most of these opportunities, it is necessary to include many medical practitioners and training institutions. Care-coordinated patients are more inclined to adhere to quality care guidelines, have faster recovery rates, and need fewer hospitalizations than those who do not engage in care-coordinating activities (Cullinane et al., 2022).
Patient-centred care is essential for effective continuity of care. There are several patient-centred care experiences available. As an example, consider the scenario of dementia patients. Individual needs must be prioritized in high-quality medical treatment for patients with dementia. Improving patients’ feelings of self-worth through establishing a trusting connection with them, valuing their opinion, and addressing their needs regardless of cost are essential elements of patient-centred care (Brown et al., 2020).
Furthermore, nurses in any medical institution should create a pleasant and inviting environment for their patients to ease their agony. Patients’ concerns concerning their privacy must also be considered. Patients should be allowed to relax during visiting hours, and nurses should attempt to connect with patients despite language barriers (Jesus et al., 2022). Several healthcare organizations in the United States of America are involved in this endeavour.
Let us discuss some real-world applications of change theory in nursing that improve patient care. As new disease strains emerge, nurses in healthcare facilities must adapt to innovations by drawing on various change theories. Nurses have several challenges while attempting to implement these strategies. Knowledge of change management and theories is particularly important for nurse managers who oversee a team of nurses in a hospital setting. Kurt Lewin is widely regarded as the pioneer of change theory, and his work is influential across a wide range of organizational models. To determine what elements contribute to delivering high-quality healthcare, he suggested a three-stage change hypothesis in healthcare settings (Barron et al., 2022). He suggested that leaders should discard any old or irrelevant material in favour of fresh perspectives. Nursing environments are the same. Nurses should learn novel approaches and acquire new knowledge to improve their care quality. Doing so will make it much simpler to implement an efficient care continuum. And then, he included his force dynamics model. In this type, the initial step is defrosting. Now is the time for nursing administration to look for other approaches. The second step is action, which implies that once a new solution has been found, nurses must have the guts to implement it. The last step, re-freezing, explains how the innovations should be implemented in healthcare settings to reach the goal of premium care.
Coordinated Care Plans Based upon Ethical Decision Making
Nurses and knowledge are the backbone of coordinating care in hospitals and other medical facilities. In order to meet the need for care coordination, they must use various approaches and make nuanced and informed judgments in the context of patient care settings. However, ethical considerations are given due weight in healthcare settings, and nurses and other medical staff members take care to implement ethical standards in their daily work. Nurses face several ethical issues on the job. For instance, some patients may feel ethically uncomfortable expressing their autonomy in medical care (Aydogdu, 2022). Care coordination may be affected by nurses’ choices when this happens.
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Moreover, nurses may only sometimes be aware of the ethical considerations related to patients and medical treatments, believing instead that the patient’s well-being is the only thing that matters. Ethical considerations are heightened, and all these factors impact appropriate care coordination. Care coordination plans address ethical problems head-on, and nurses must be educated.
Impact of Health Care Policy Provisions on Outcomes and Patients Experiences
This section will focus on how different healthcare policies affect individuals seeking treatment. In every field, policymaking is crucial since it prepares the route for an industry’s growth. It is the same in the medical field. Free medical care, health insurance, health cards, the provision of free drugs, and healthcare reforms are only a few of the many policies established by hospitals and other healthcare institutions worldwide. The Chinese government, for instance, has initiated healthcare changes that will roll out over ten years. Most patients’ inability to acquire high-quality medical treatment due to a lack of access to give damn-centred medical institutions was the driving force for these shifts. These healthcare reforms were implemented in two stages; the first addressed health insurance and hospital infrastructure, while the second focused on improving healthcare delivery. Thanks to this reform initiative, China’s excellent healthcare institutions now include cutting-edge medical technology. Individuals were also offered more comprehensive and long-term health insurance coverage. In addition, it is now mandatory to have access to and use healthcare services of sufficient quality. Thus, these changes successfully alleviated people’s anxiety about their health care.
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healthcare policy discussions. Independent medical organizations performed better than government-funded hospitals. This is because they are committed to providing only the highest standard of care to their patients. They formulate regulations that cater to patients’ requirements, guaranteeing a smooth treatment progression. Private hospitals respect their patients’ right to confidentiality and provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere (Nguyen et al., 2021). This explains why patients are so content at these hospitals.
Awareness of Nurse’s Vital Role in Coordination and Continuum of Care
It is common knowledge that nurses play a crucial role in any healthcare system. They have direct patient contact and implement best practices in care coordination and continuity of care. However, the capacity to convey your thoughts and ideas to others is crucial in every field. Nurses also have a similar desire for open dialogue. Due to current technology developments, various methods are available for efficient communication. However, messages delivered by audio and video are very powerful. Present your ideas to the group and get their feedback here.
Finally, the presentation taught us about the importance of care coordination, the challenges it presents ethically, and the effects various policy measures have on patients’ lives. Furthermore, this lecture emphasized the significance of family member contact for an efficient care continuum.
Aydogdu, A. L. F. (2022). Ethical dilemmas experienced by nurses while caring for patients during the COVID‐19 pandemic: An integrative review of qualitative studies. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(7), 2245-2258.
Barron, G. C., Laryea-Adjei, G., Vike-Freiberga, V., Abubakar, I., Dakkak, H., Devakumar, D., … & Karadag, O. (2022). Safeguarding people living in vulnerable conditions in the COVID-19 era through universal health coverage and social protection. The Lancet Public Health, 7(1), e86-e92.
Brown, E. L., Agronin, M. E., & Stein, J. R. (2020). Interventions to enhance empathy and person-centered care for individuals with dementia: a systematic review. Research in gerontological nursing, 13(3), 158-168.
Cullinane, M., Zugna, S. A., McLachlan, H. L., Newton, M. S., & Forster, D. A. (2022). Evaluating the impact of a maternity and neonatal emergencies education programme in Australian regional and rural health services on clinician knowledge and confidence: a pre-test post-test study. BMJ open, 12(5), e059921.
Franck, L. S., & O’Brien, K. (2019). The evolution of family‐centered care: From supporting parent‐delivered interventions to a model of family integrated care. Birth defects research, 111(15), 1044-1059.
Jesus, T. S., Papadimitriou, C., Bright, F. A., Kayes, N. M., Pinho, C. S., & Cott, C. A. (2022). Person-centered rehabilitation model: framing the concept and practice of person-centered adult physical rehabilitation based on a scoping review and thematic literature analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 103(1), 106-120.
Mirlashari, J., Brown, H., Fomani, F. K., de Salaberry, J., Zadeh, T. K., & Khoshkhou, F. (2020). The challenges of implementing family-centered care in NICU from the perspectives of physicians and nurses. Journal of pediatric nursing, 50, e91-e98.
Nguyen, Nhi Xuan, Khoa Tran, and Tuyet Anh Nguyen. “Impact of service quality on in-patients’ satisfaction, perceived value, and customer loyalty: A mixed-methods study from a developing country.” Patient Preference and adherence (2021): 2523-2538.