Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicator
School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Capella University
NURS-FPX4040 Managing Health Information and Technology
April 18, 2022
Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicator
Greetings! Hello, my name is ……… and I am pleased to welcome you to this presentation on behalf of the whole team. As the foundation for monitoring the quality of nursing care in our healthcare organization, I’m here today to help you understand the progress we’ve made across the board in the hospital and our use of Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators (NSQIs) and the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI).
What are NDNQI and the Nursing Quality Indicators
How can we assess the performance of individual nurses in the existing healthcare system? The nursing profession is the biggest in the healthcare industry. Nurses are crucial in delivering excellent patient-centered care and achieving the best possible results for their patients. The health of our patients depends on the quality of care that we nurses offer. To provide better care, nurses must have access to patient outcomes data. The first step in enhancing quality is to collect reliable data. Better patient outcomes may be achieved when nurses evaluate treatment based on quality indicators. Using quality indicators and performance metrics, nursing care may be assessed and compared to that provided by other facilities of a similar size (Mainz et al., 2023).
National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators
In 1998, the American Nurses Association (ANA) launched the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) as part of its Safety and Quality Initiative. The NDNQI is a nationwide nursing quality monitoring tool that hospitals may utilize to enhance their care. There is a clear correlation between staffing levels, patient care quality, and health outcomes, which is why these figures are so telling. Data and reporting are subject to many checks and balances to guarantee that they are being compared consistently (Cho & Steege, 2021). Your company’s, departments, or service’s performance might be measured against those of similar organizations or against national averages. Nursing sensitivity indicators represent the organization, processes, and outcomes of nursing care (Mainz et al., 2023).
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The nursing staff’s quantity, quality, and level of education all have a role in the standard of care provided to patients. The outcomes for patients receiving nursing care. Patient falls, nosocomial infections, pressure ulcer rates, restraint use, nursing staff turnover, and nursing education and certification are all indicators that nurses pay close attention to. This guide can help you avoid catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). CAUTIs are the most common kind of hospital-acquired infection reported by hospitals. The newest data shows that 560,000 persons per year are diagnosed with CAUTI (ANA, n.d.), despite attempts to

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improve the quality of treatment. Longer hospital stays, increased disease and mortality rates, and increased healthcare expenses are all direct effects of CAUTIs. Patients are in danger as CAUTI rates continue to rise. The primary goal should be preventing CAUTIs (ANA, n.d.). The nurses in a hospital are the most equipped to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). Nurses must treat CAUTIs because they are directly tied to the quality of nursing care.
Qualitative research often relies on interviews with study participants to get information. Interviews can be used to convey an in-depth understanding of a topic. The interview format may be affected by the researcher’s strategy, the study issue’s character, and the participants’ characteristics (Alharbi et al., 2020). While in-person interviews are preferable, geographical constraints sometimes necessitate telephone interviews.
For the sake of this study, I made the decision to confer with the Infection Control Nurse at the hospital. CAUTI statistics are collected weekly at this hospital based on reports received from nursing units and chart inspections. By analyzing the patient’s medical records, the Infection Control nurse may learn crucial details, such as the time and place of a Foley Cath insertion. If the files are not comprehensive and correct, the nurse in charge of infection prevention says examining them might be a long process (CDC, 2019). Caution is warranted when attempting to make sense of CAUTI data that needs to be completed. The floor nurses are vital to the data collection since they are responsible for keeping meticulous patient records. Executives, the risk management group, and the divisions that the executives are accountable for receiving reports on a monthly and quarterly basis, respectively.
Collecting and Reporting Data
“Data collection” means systematically inspecting, acquiring, and assessing information from distinct and unconnected sources. Registered nurses rely on data constantly as a tool in their work. Vital signs, test findings, and assessment scores are just a few examples of the numerous types of information used by nurses. Gathering and analyzing data is crucial for making educated healthcare decisions. Today, data can be found everywhere, and researchers from all disciplines must work together to make the most of the information at their disposal. The interdisciplinary group is responsible for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the data at hand. Krocová & Prokeová (2022) states that there is a possibility that an improvement in data collection and analysis will have a significant impact on patient safety, care outcomes, and quality improvement.
Improving Care through Quality Indicators
The quality of care and security provided by nursing homes varies greatly. Medical practitioners may assess the quality of care they offer patients using nursing-sensitive indicators and then make any required modifications to improve long-term outcomes. Healthcare firms may utilize information gathered from nursing-sensitive indicators to assess how well their operations are performing in comparison to those of other businesses in the healthcare industry that are comparable to them in terms of size, geography, and other characteristics. It is possible for healthcare organizations to enhance the quality of care they provide by formulating criteria and deciding on actions based on comparisons of patient data. Hospitals may discover troubled regions and immediately take preventive measures using nursing-sensitive indicators.
Practice Guidelines
Quantitative metrics demonstrating how nursing care affects patients’ overall health are nursing-sensitive quality indicators. Quickly comparing one’s data to one’s colleagues in the healthcare business is now available thanks to the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators. Nonetheless, knowledge is just half the battle. There must be a method to put the collected data to use if we are to increase efficiency, enhance quality, and develop evidence-based practice. Once issues with patient care and results have been identified, the organization may investigate and address their root causes. The structures, techniques, and outcomes of quality indicators of importance to nursing may be studied from various perspectives. If the inquiry uncovers fresh evidence, it might change practices like hand-washing, sterile procedures, and proper methodology.
It is crucial in primary and emergency care to keep meticulous records on patient outcomes related to the quality of nursing care. Despite this, it is essential to undertake a thorough examination of variables that are relevant to nurses. Because nurses constitute the bulk of the healthcare workforce and use a significant portion of the health budget, it is crucial to comprehend the connection between the price tag on medical care and its efficacy. Recruiting and retaining more RNs is part of the plan to boost care quality in several parts of the world (Krocová & Prokeová, 2022). However, lower-paid staff helpers have supplanted the professional nursing workforce in other parts of the globe.
Analyzing the efficacy and quality of nursing care is possible using nursing-sensitive quality indicators. Registered nurses’ quality of care significantly influences our patients’ final results. Patients trust that their doctors and nurses will provide them with treatment that is safe and of the best quality and will aid in their recovery. With the healthcare system becoming increasingly complicated, it is crucial to monitor nursing care to prevent patient harm carefully.
Alharbi, J., Jackson, D., & Usher, K. (2020). Compassion fatigue in critical care nurses and its impact on nurse-sensitive indicators in Saudi Arabian hospitals. Australian Critical Care, 33(6), 553-559. DOI: 10.1016/j.aucc.2020.02.002
Association, A. N. (n.d.). ANA CAUTI Prevention Tool. Retrieved from Nursing World: prevention/ana-cauti-prevention-tool/
Cho, H., & Steege, L. M. (2021). Nurse fatigue and nurse, patient safety, and organizational outcomes: A systematic review. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 43(12), 1157- 1168.
CDC. Background. (2019). Center for Disease and Control Prevention.
Krocová, J., & Prokešová, R. (2022). Aspects of Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections Associated with Urinary Bladder Catheterisation and Their Implementation in Nursing Practice. Healthcare, 10(1), 152.
Mainz, H., Odgaard, L., & Kristensen, P. K. (2023). Nursing representatives in clinical quality databases and the presence of nursing‐sensitive indicators of fundamental nursing care. Journal of advanced nursing, 79(3), 1129-1138.