Instructions: Debate why nurses should and should not donate their services. Has to be 250 words
Debate on why Nurses Should and Should not Donate Their Services
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Health care services rendered by the nurses are very crucial in improving the wellbeing of people and preserving life. Nurses have the free will to decide on their own, whether to donate their services or not.
The ultimate goal of nursing care is to help individuals live a healthy life by maintaining and promoting their health. Nurses should therefore donate their services to individuals who cannot afford to pay for these services as a way of fulfilling the goal of nursing care. Nurses can also donate their services to patients in cases of emergency even when they are off duty. In emergency cases like accidents, they should donate their first aid services instead of watching the patients sustain more injuries or their conditions deteriorating. Nurses can therefore save lives by donating their …..

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Nurses should not donate their services to patients who do not want their services. The patient always has a right to choose the health care provider they want to be attended by. In such cases, the nurses should not donate their services if the patients do not want their services. Nurses should also not donate their services if they will be putting their safety at risk. Safety of the patient and the nurse is very crucial. In cases of accidents where they do not have the appropriate personal protective equipment, nurses should not jeopardize their life. In conclusion, the services of the nurses are very crucial in preservation of life and the well-being of individuals. Nurses should therefore donate their services.