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C920: Course Assessment1 Sample


Course Assessment

Western Governor University


Course Assessment

Section A: Formative Assessment Blueprint



A1. Assessment overview

Type: formative assessment

Purpose: BSN nurses have an important role in preventing the spread of infectious illnesses, and this course examines their responsibilities in this regard. Aside from that, it gives students with a solid understanding of transmission ideas. As a critical component in figuring out how a disease spreads, the transmission chain is given additional attention in this course. Nurses are expected to perform a variety of responsibilities in the community’s health promotion and prevention, and these tasks are discussed in detail throughout the module.

Expected Outcome: Students will be able to use the information presented above to find measures to prevent the spread of an infectious illness in their community. The pupils will be able to identify viable preventative strategies if they grasp the disease’s patterns and the chain of transmission.

A2 Module title

Communicable illness

Course objectives

By end of this module, the nursing student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate the transmission chain of infection.

2. Demonstrate how epidemics of infectious diseases may be controlled.

3. Determine the relationship between the BSN Nurse and community health.

Student learning outcomes

By the module’s conclusion, the student should be able to:

1. Analyze the chain of transmission for a specific illness.

2. Identify many strategies for reducing the spread of a communicable illness.

3. Demonstrate ability to operate as a team

A2a. Assessment Activity Alignment

Virtual reality simulation and debriefing activity: The use of formative assessment corresponds to the cognitive level that students should be acquiring or have already attained at this stage in the learning process. The learning goals are also aligned with the course outcomes throughout the course development process and evaluation technique. This alignment occurs when students are forced to apply critical thinking to an examination of communicable illnesses in a scenario replicating real-world practice scenarios for community health nurses. The assessment activity adheres to CO #1, CO #2, and SLO #1 requirements, since students are expected to understand the chain of transmission and methods for reducing their risk of contracting communicable illnesses. Additionally, it corresponds with CO #3 and SLO #2, which require students to develop and display cooperation skills while analyzing ways to minimize infectious illnesses.

A3. Cognitive level Apply 


A4. Item types 

Context-relevant Scenario-based Learning Activity

A5. Number of items 

5 (1 Virtual reality simulation and debriefing activity, 1 field activity, 3 case study analysis)

Section B: Formative Assessment Instructions 

B1. Assessment Instructions

Week one quiz on The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health, based on the week one reading assignments offered in the course curriculum for the chapter titled, Community Health Education Materials: Understanding Your Community’s Needs. Please clean your desk of all objects and take the quiz using a pencil or black ink pen. You will have fifteen minutes to complete the five-question fill-in-the-blank quiz. Please give over the quiz after fifteen minutes so the teacher may pick it up. Following that, the quiz will be evaluated and returned to the class. Best of luck.

B2. Formative Assessment Activity

Week 1: Complete the blank Quiz.

  1. The Intervention Wheel is composed of three components: __________, stages of practice, and public health interventions.
  2. The community’s priorities serve as the framework for public health nursing practice; these priorities are established via community__________ .
  3. Interventions are referred to as __________when they are utilized to alter the culture of the group under consideration.
  4. The purpose of __________ practice is to create a consolidated, single electronic vaccination registry record that incorporates data from several sources, including schools and childcare facilities, as well as health agencies and clinics.
  5. __________ practice includes public health nurses doing outreach at academic institutions and partnering with student health authorities to ensure vaccine compliance in the event of an epidemic.

The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health, week 1 Answer Key

  • Population base
  • Assessment.
  • Social marketing.
  • Systems-level.
  • Community-level.

B2a. Feedback and Goal Setting Language

The purpose of formative assessment is to keep track of how students are progressing in their education and to provide frequent feedback on their progress. It helps students discover their skills and shortcomings as well as areas that need improvement. The course syllabus should serve as a guide for students, who should concentrate on the course goals. An emphasis on community needs, cultural awareness, and effective health education for community members is a primary focus of the course goals. The course goals will be the topic of the quiz. Students are expected to get a passing grade rather than a failing one in this course. This implies that in order to get a passing grade, the student cannot miss more than one question on the quiz. Formative assessment feedback follows a three-step process. The first step is to recognize the student’s skills and provide positive comments about what the student did well, such as “You have a good grasp of community health, wonderful work.” For example: “Understanding community health is an essential element of nursing; thus, please re-read the chapter on community health and complete this quiz again.” The next step is to look for ways to help students learn and succeed (Dennison, 2014). In this evaluation, you should be able to apply what you learned in this module to your community health clinical by the conclusion of it. Most students learn best when their teachers provide constructive criticism, give them time to act on it, and use tactics that assist them succeed in the course.

B3. Summative Performance Assessment Activity

A health promotion course is designed to provide learners with the information and skills necessary to select and implement a promoting health intervention. Health promotion focuses on enabling individuals to choose healthy lifestyle choices, hence lowering their risk of illness (Edema et al., 20121). A health promotion course provides learners with the information and skills necessary to select and implement a health promotion intervention. Health promotion aims to empower individuals to choose healthy lifestyle choices, hence lowering their risk of illness. The health promotion course will educate learners with the information and skills necessary to identify health promotion needs in society and implement the most effective, culturally appropriate interventions. By providing learners with the information necessary to identify health promotion needs in their communities, they will be able to develop an intervention strategy. A health promotion plan demands an in-depth study of the issue in order to choose the most appropriate remedies.

Also Read: Buy Nursing Care Plan Online

B3a. Summative Performance Assessment Rubric

Using Dennison et al., (2014).



0 points



 1 point


2 points

Students’ knowledge

of age-related care

The student exhibits inadequate or incorrect understanding about age-related care.

The student exhibits a superficial understanding of age-related care and a lack of depth.

The student demonstrates extensive understanding of aging-related care.

Student care offers

insight on cultural

healthy behaviors and

dietary practices to prevent illness

The student exhibits little or incorrect understanding of culturally appropriate behaviors and dietary habits.

The student exhibits some awareness of culturally acceptable healthy behaviors and eating habits.

Students demonstrate extensive understanding of culturally appropriate healthy habits and nutritional practices.

Students’ knowledge

of community health

promotion strategies.

The student exhibits limited or erroneous understanding about community health promotion.

The student exhibits just rudimentary understanding of community health promotion.

Students demonstrate an in-depth understanding of community health promotion.

Section C: Formative Assessment Implementation and Evaluation Plan

C1. Assessment Administration Procedures

A formative evaluation of your community’s health needs will be accomplished via the use of community health education materials. Following their reading assignments, students will take a fill in the blank exam consisting of five questions in fifteen minutes. In order to complete the quiz, students will only need a number two pencil, which will be given out and returned at a later date.

C2. Communication of Assessment Results

For the quiz, when all quizzes are gathered, the student’s fill-in-the-blank quiz will be assessed. Students will be informed of their findings before to the commencement of the day’s lesson. After class, students will be able to see the questions they missed, be shown the right answer, and be explained why it is the proper answer.

C2a. Pass/fail criteria

To pass the Community Health Education Materials: Understanding the Needs of Your Community quizzes, mid-term, and final exam, students must earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 76 percent on all of their assessments. This implies that students cannot miss more than two questions on quizzes; they cannot miss more than seven questions on midterms; and they cannot miss more than fourteen questions on the final exam (Klamann et al., 2019). Finally, this will provide a cumulative score of at least 76%. The final paper and health promotion material required at the conclusion of the course will be graded pass or fail depending on the student’s compliance with the criteria provided to the paper and the substance of the material.

C3. Analytical Methods

The formative assessment quiz is used to track student progress toward course goals and learning outcomes. According to Tempelaar et al, (2018) for teachers, these statistics are also utilized to determine what areas of their teaching might be improved for future sessions. Additionally, assessment analysis is utilized to gather and evaluate pertinent data in order to ascertain the most critical demands of students and/or instructors. The item difficulty index may be used to determine the percentage of examinees that properly answered the quiz items. This will aid in quantifying and analyzing the degree of difficulty, dependability, and item discrimination associated with each of the formative quiz assessments. For formative assessment, a chart may be made that lists the quiz questions, their point-biserial correlation, and their p-values, and then uses these values to compute the discrimination index. After students complete the examination, the raw scores and overall score distribution are analyzed to determine their rating from zero to one hundred. Whether the mean and medium are equal, they may be used to determine if the bell curve is perfect.

Following that, the test-retest procedure is chosen for dependability. A comparable quiz is administered twice to a person, and the answers are compared. The time interval between the two evaluations is entirely up to you. The greater the interval between quizzes, the less reliable the results are owing to student changes. It is critical, then, to be mindful of time constraints while preparing a test–retest reliability report. Following that is test validity. Classroom quizzes are meant to assist teachers in making judgments about a student’s performance in the course. The content-validity index is used to determine the relevance of the assessment test’s quizzes. Experts review the evaluation and provide a relevance index ranging from one to four (in increasing order of significance) to each item. To ensure fairness, a systematic test is employed in conjunction with an item analysis technique. The efficacy of an item is contingent upon the information it seeks being relevant. The objective evaluation of quiz results is contingent upon statistical and item analysis data. Reliability and validity are critical components of an effective evaluation. After demonstrating that a quiz accurately measures whatever it is intended to assess, the findings may be relied upon. Course goals may also be altered as the class progresses if further instruction and guidance are required depending on the difficulty of each examination. Students’ average scores will also be used for determining the difficulty level of subsequent tests. Quizzes are grading tests, and students must get a cumulative average of at least 76 percent to graduate the course. The goal of this quiz is to determine the student’s understanding and knowledge of the course material. The quiz will be a summary of the whole topic presented.

C3a. Assessment Improvement

Following the formative assessment, educators will evaluate the class’s overall understanding of the prescribed exam. The item complexity index may be used to determine the percentage of examinees that properly answered the quiz items. Additionally, a frequency distribution is being employed to assist me in determining the overall performance of the kids. By use of a raw score pattern would aid in quantifying and analyzing the degree of difficulty, dependability, and item discrimination in formative assessment. The instructor’s immediate aims are to evaluate the course objectives, ensuring they fit with the students’ reading assignments, to solicit feedback from students, to teach them on right responses, and to tailor the next quiz depending on the outcomes of this current cohort. Long-term aims will be to rewrite future quizzes to make them better aligned with course objectives and reading assignments. These will then be evaluated when the next cohort arrives.

C4. Test Security Procedures

Students will sign a contract agreeing not to share assessment questions and results with other cohorts; failure to do so would result in removal from the nursing program. Each student will leave one seat free between them throughout the quiz, ensuring that no student is enticed or accused of cheating. The teacher will remain in the classroom during the duration of the quiz. Cell phones and other photographic equipment will not be permitted on the examination table.


Dennison, R. D., Dempsey, A., & Rosselli, J. (2014). Evaluation beyond exams in nursing education: designing assignments and evaluating with rubrics. Springer Publishing Company.

Edelman, C. L., Kudzma, E. C., & Rnc, D. M. (2021). Health promotion throughout the life span-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Klamann, B., Lippert, M., Amersbach, C., & Winner, H. (2019, October). Defining pass-/fail-criteria for particular tests of automated driving functions. In 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) (pp. 169-174). IEEE.

Tempelaar, D., Rienties, B., Mittelmeier, J., & Nguyen, Q. (2018). Student profiling in a dispositional learning analytics application using formative assessment. Computers in Human Behavior78, 408-420.

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